
Prague, AIPES, American Institute on Political and Economic Systems, The Fund for American Studies, TFAS

Monday, July 31, 2006

Prague: The Epilogue

As most everyone knows, I had an absolutely amazing time in Prague. More than anything, it was the people who made the trip. Hilen and Kirsten and I became really, really close. I really hope we'll see each other again. Hilen is talking about a trip to Seattle, and Kirsten and I are both thinking about a pilgrimage to DC to visit Hilen. I also plan to get in touch with Alex (the cool Bulgarian kid who I hooped with in Prague) when I'm in Boston in January--he'll be at Boston College working on his MBA. This American kid (Tyson) and this other Kazakhstani dude (Dias) were also talking about going to Boston some time in January to visit so we may try to plan it so we can all get together. I can't remember if we were talking about this before the two of them were smashed or after, but they were very excited about the prospect of them (Alex, Tyson, and Dias) hanging out with me and my sister in Boston. LOL. I think they must have been drunk. Anyways, we'll see.

Here's a picture of us 4 TAs celebrating the end of the program. We went to a Brazilian rodizio place the night before the econ final--yum, yum!


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